# Re-dock
Re-dock is a fast and easy way to get Elasticsearch, Kibana and Grafana running under docker by using docker-compose.
# Run
We run docker compose to download our images and start the containers:
$ git clone git@github.com:re-ops/re-dock.git
$ cd re-dock
$ sudo docker-compose up
Once running point Re-mote/Re-core to localhost:9200 by changing their configuration invoking the reset function, Kibana and Grafana are available under localhost:5607 and localhost:3000 respectively.
Note: Elasticsearch requires the following change in /etc/sysctl.conf:
vm.max_map_count = 262144
# Dashboards
The source re-dock/grafana and re-dock/kibana folders contain existing visualizations and dashboard that are ready to import into the running ELK instances, follow the UI of each service to import them.