Created by Ronen Narkis / @narkisr settings
The process of managing computerized resources
by manipulating their state
Remote operations
Ad hoc & scheduled execution
VM Orchestration
Data collection and analysis
Language shoehorned into a data format
Behaviour over data
Slow dev/deploy cycle
Hard to extend/compose
Live environment for managing servers
Composed from Re-core Re-mote Re-gent and Re-conf
No magic just functions with a dash of macros.
Re-define function/ns or refresh/refresh-all
Refresh works across threads
Refresh resets all state (atoms)
Protocol changes require refresh
(ns user
[ :refer (refresh refresh-all)]
; start the system
; halt the system
; stop and go
Remote automation (SSH/ZeroMQ)
Scheduled execution
Data collection and persistence
(def development
(Hosts. {:user "ronen"} ["host-a" ,,,,]))
(defprotocol Shell
(ls [this target flags]))
(defn list-script [target flags]
(script ("ls" ~target ~flags)))
(extend-type Hosts
(ls [this target flags]
[this (run-hosts this (list-script target flags))]))
(defn free-script []
(set! R @("free" "-m"))
(if (not (= $? 0))
("exit" 1))
((println (quoted "${R}")))
("awk" "'NR==2 { print $2 \" \" $3 \" \" $4 }'"))))
Series of functions (operations)
Data flows from one operation to the next
Intermediate opertions operate on data
Final operation output/persist/block/run async etc..
Composable (just functions)
filtering output
^ ^
(defn listing [hs] | |
(run (ls hs "/" "-la") | (pick successful) | (pretty)))
(| (| (ls ..) (pick ..)) (pretty))
; res is {:successful [], :failure []}
(let [[this' res] (ls hs)]
(pick this' res))
(s/def ::operation-result
:req-un [::success ::failure ::hosts]))
(s/def ::auth
:opt-un [::ssh-key]
:req-un [::user]))
(s/def ::hosts-entity
(s/keys :req-un [::auth ::hosts]))
(s/def ::pipeline
(s/tuple ::hosts-entity ::operation-result))
; every day on 10 AM
(defn apt-jobs [hs]
(watch :update (every-day 10) (fn [] (aptdate hs))))
; every n seconds
(defn stats-jobs [hs]
(watch :net (seconds 2) (fn [] (net-persist hs)))
(watch :cpu (seconds 5) (fn [] (cpu-publish hs))))
; Saturday 4 AM
(defn zfs-jobs [hs]
(watch :scrub (at-day DateTimeConstants/SATURDAY 4)
(fn [] (run (scrub hs "tank") | (email "scrub done")))))
AWS, DigitalOcean, KVM
Pipeline/Protocol pattern
Fluent interface
Persistent (ES)
Queue with workers pool
(def systems (Systems.))
(defn start
(start (comp not ip)))
(run (ls systems) | (filter-by f) | (sys/start))))
[this, {:systems [...]}]
:machine {
:hostname "reops" :user "re-ops" :domain "local"
:os :ubuntu-16.04 :cpu 2 :ram 1024
:kvm {
:node :remote
:type "re-ops"
:re-conf {
:src "re-ops.js"
:args []
:description "Re-gent target"
:type "re-ops"
(list) ; list all systems
(list ip) ; list all systems that have an ip (running)
(list identity :types) ; list all types
(start (comp not ip))) ; no ip = down
(reload (by-type :redis)); matching type
(destroy (matching "Fstr")); id matching
(fn [[id m]] (> 2 (get-in m [:machine :cpu]))))
(hosts); All Systems as Hosts
(hosts (matching "foo") :ip) ; single host access with ip
(hosts (by-type :redis) :hostname); redis using hostname
(upgrade (hosts)); upgrade all
(create kvm-small :redis) ; redis kvm instance
(create kvm-small :redis 5) ; 5 in one go
(create kvm-small :redis "furry") ; custom hostname
(create kvm-small vol-128G :redis) ; 128G Volume
(create t2-nano :redis) ; AWS t2 nano
(create t2-nano ebs-128G :redis) ; 128G EBS Volume
Re-core VMs
Spice and SSH
Persistent connections (ZeroMQ)
Secure (CurveZMQ)
Distributed Clojure functions
Easy to deploy (single binary)
Interchangeable with SSH
Support reload workflow
Shared classpath
; using serializable.fn
(def ^{:doc "adding one"} add-fn
(s/fn [x] (+ 1 x)))
(call add [1] hs)
(defprotocol Arithmetics
(add [this x]))
(extend-type Hosts
(add [this x]
[this (run-hosts this add-fn [x] [5 :minute])]))
(defn add-one [hs i]
(run (plus-one hs i) | (pretty "Added one")))
(defn update
"Update with downgrading"
(run (z/update hs) | (downgrade s/update) | ...)))
Re-gent in use
(defn nmap [path flags hosts]
(let [{:keys [exit out err] :as res} (sh ... "-oX")]
(if (= 0 exit)
(dx/parse-str out)
(throw (ex-info "failed to scan"
{:result res ...})))))
(defn #^{:category :security} nmap-scan
[hs flags network]
(run (scan hs flags network) | ... | (persist)))
(nmap-scan sentry "-T5" "")
{:success [
{:code 0
:host "foo"
:result {:name "tor-orport" :portid "9001" :state "open"}
:timestamp 1524666955996
:type "nmap-scan"
:uuid "d61358e147384d98b8fdda6e7ccb250b"}
Nmap dashboard
(defn #^{:category :stats} ram-persist [hs]
(run (cpu hs) | (enrich "cpu") | (persist)))
ES type and timestamp
Provisioning recipes
Tracing and profiling
(defn packer
"Setup up packer"
(let [dest "/tmp/"
sha "6575f8357a03ecad7997151234b1..."
url ""]
(download url dest)
(checksum dest sha :sha256)
(unzip dest "/tmp/packer")
(summary "installing packer done"))))
(defn run-checkum [f expected k]
(let [c (chan)
stream (.ReadStream fs f)
shasum (.createHash crypto (name k)]
(.on stream "end" (fn [] (put! c ...)))
(defn checksum
"Checksum a file and validate expected value"
([file e k]
(checksum file e k))
([c file e k]
(run c #(checksum file e k))))
(defn invoke
"Invoking all public fn in a ns concurrently"
[n env]
(doseq [[k f] (fns n)]
(debug (<< "invoking ~{k}") ::invoke)
(case (arg-count f)
0 (.call f)
1 (.call f env)))))
Launch VM
Mount share folder
SSH port forward
Connect to remote REPL
Repl enhancements (history and completion)
Host queries (OSquery and ES)
IoT (Wemo Mqtt)
Select theme:
Black (default) -
White -
League -
Sky -
Beige -
Serif -
Blood -
Night -
Moon -